Leek Recipe Ideas : Vegan Leek and Rice Recipe

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Leek recipe ideas seem always so ideal for the spring and summer time.

So today I will share with you my go-to vegan leek recipe in turkishfoodpro.com.


They are healthy, lightweight and so delicious.

With extra virgin olive oil, my vegan leek recipe gets complimented by all my friends and family.


If you are in search of a yummy and healthy vegetable recipe then this one may be your go-to recipe.


Leek Recipe With Olive Oil Ingredients


1 kg of leek

3 pieces of middle sized carrot

3 table spoon of white rice

1,5 tea cup of olive oil (extra virgin)

1,5 tea cup of water

2 tea spoon of salt

1 tea spoon of sugar


Vegan Leek Recipe With Olive Oil Pro Tips Before Cooking Steps




"leek recipe with rice"



  1. Peel off the first layer of the leeks.
  2. Do prefer a bias cut for the leeks when chopping them.
  3. Do not chop them too thinly if not they may get dispersed when cooking. ( Ideal is the 1 finger of thickness.)
  4. Do not cook the leaf sides of the leeeks; they are hard and difficult to cook.
  5. Add 2 tea spoon of salt on top of chopped leek and cover them with water in room temperature and make them rest 15 minutes before cooking. This step is crucial for the ideal cooking of the leeks and for the taste.
  6. Chop the carrots thinly so that they will get cooked simultaneously with the leeks.
  7. Wash the salted and rested leeks under cold water and drain them with help of a colander.
  8. If you have time, make the cooked leeks rest with its own saucepan until they come to the room temperature and then in the fridge 1 night and serve the next day for the maximum taste.


Leek Recipe With Rice Preparation Steps


"leek recipe preparation"



1.Cut-off the heads of the leeks, peel-off the first layer and make them rest in salted water for 15 minutes.

1.Add the olive oil in the saucepan.

2.Place the carrots and leeks in the saucepan.

3. Add salt.

4.Blend them gently and start cooking in middle heat for 5 minutes.


"leek recipe with olive oil"



5. When the olive oil gets boiled add prewashed and drained rice.

6.Add water, sugar and salt.

7. Add lemon juice.

8. Close the lid of the saucepan and cook for 35 minutes on low heat.

9. Make them rest within its own saucepan until room temperature and then in the fridge for 1 night and serve the nexy day.


Leek Recipe Ideas Serving Suggestions

Vegan leek recipe is most of the time a side dish.

I prefer to serve it after a very delicious yogurt soup.


As maincourse you may serve Turkish meatballs.

For a crowded get-together you may add Turkish pasta in the menu as well.


If you follow all the instructions, I believe that this leek recipe with olive oil and carrots will collect all the compliments! 👌👌👌


Final Words For The Vegan Leek Recipe







I hope you try and enjoy my practical and delicious vegan leak recipe idea.

According to my culinary experiments in my kitchen ☺ this one is one of the best leek recipe ideas with its practicality and incredible taste.

I cook it so often and it’s one of favorites of my friends and family even if they are not vegan.


Again, kids like this recipe so much especially when it’s combined with meatballs and yogurt.

I will be so happy if you share your experience with my recipe on my Instagram.

Feel free to share with me different versions of this recipe with your own tips and trics. 🙏🙂


If you wish that I share more leek recipe ideas with you, please kindly leave your comment in the comments section below.

You may like this recipe as well 👉 https://turkishfoodpro.com/easy-vegan-zucchini-with-minth-and-olive-oil/

"leek recipe with olive oil"

Vegan Leek Recipe With Carrots and Olive Oil

A fresh, healthy and so yummy leek recipe consumable with friends and family
Prep Time 16 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Resting Time 1 day
Course Side Dish
Cuisine european, Mediterranean, Turkish
Servings 4 people


  • 1 saucepan
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 1 strainer to use for the rice
  • 1 colander to use for the leeks


  • 1 kg leek
  • 3 pieces carrot middle-sized
  • 1/2 tea cup rice white
  • 1,5 tea cup olive oil extra virgin
  • 1,5 tea cup water
  • 2 tea spoon salt
  • 1 tea spoon sugar white
  • 1 piece lemon juice


  • Cut the heads of the leeks
    1 kg leek
  • Peel off the first layer of the leeks
  • Wash them and drain with help of a colander.
  • Chop the leeks in a diagonal bias cut in the thickness of 1 finger.
  • Make them rest in cold water with 2 tea spoon of salt during 15 minutes.
  • Peel off the carrots and chop them thinly.
    3 pieces carrot
  • Rewash the salted leeks and drain them.
  • Pour the olive oil in a saucepan.
    1,5 tea cup olive oil
  • Add the carrots and the leeks within the saucepan.
    3 pieces carrot, 1 kg leek
  • Add 1 pinch of salt and blend gently them all with help of a wooden spoon.
  • Cook them for 5 minutes on medium heat.
  • Add washed and drained rice and water.
    1,5 tea cup water, 1/2 tea cup rice
  • Add salt and sugar.
    2 tea spoon salt, 1 tea spoon sugar
  • Add the juice of 1 lemon.
    1 piece lemon
  • Continue cooking for 35 minutes on minimum heat with closed saucepan lid.


  1. Do not exceed 2 tea spoon of salt while cooking because it will already be rested in salty cold water before the cooking step. 
  2. Do not skip the step of adding white sugar; it's traditional in Turkey to add little sugar into the vegetables with olive oil. It maximizes the taste incredibly. 
  3. If you have time, you may prefer to serve it the next day. When cooked, make it rest in its own saucepan until it's cooled down to the room temperature and then leave it in the fridge for 1 night and serve cool the nexy day for maximum taste. 
  4. Before serving, you may add 1 table spoon of olive oil more (optional) and some chopped dill. 
I hope you enjoy this so tasty recipe and share your experience with me on Instagram as well. 
Bon appétit! 
Keyword mediterranean, olive oil, vegan-friendly











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