Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry Recipe

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Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry is indeed a delightful dessert, and it’s typically associated with Southern cuisine in the United States.

But nowadays, it has become considerably popular in Turkey as well.


The magnolia pudding, also known as magnolia pie or magnolia bakery strawberry pudding, is often characterized by layers of vanilla wafers, added strawberries, and a smooth creamy pudding mixture.


Some chefs prepare this recipe with addition of bananas but I like the magnolia pudding with strawberry more.

When I crave for some dessert and I don’t have to much time, I easily prepare this recipe.

If you wish to try a fresh strawberry twist, don’t miss my easy magnolia pudding recipe with strawberry.


5 Pro Tips and Tricks To Make The Besy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry


This easy and yummy strawberry magnolia pudding recipe is easily doable using my 5 simple hacks:

  1. Fresh and Ripe Strawberries:

Prefer to use the freshest and ripest strawberries available.

Their natural sweetness will complement the creamy pudding, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.


  1. Chill for Flavor Fusion:

Let the pudding  chill for an extended period, preferably overnight.

This not only enhances the pudding’s creamy texture but also allows the flavors to meld, resulting in a more delicious and cohesive dessert.


3. Whipped Cream Mastery:

Whip the cream until it reaches stiff peaks.

This airy and light texture will add a decadent touch to the pudding, creating a delightful contrast to the fruity layers.


4. Strategic Wafer Placement:

When layering the vanilla wafers, strategically place some around the sides of the serving dish.

This not only adds a pleasing crunch but also contributes to the visual appeal of the dessert.


5. Play with Presentation:


Elevate the visual appeal by creating an artful presentation.

Arrange the sliced strawberries and mixed berries on top in an eye-catching pattern.


A visually appealing dessert is the first step to a delightful culinary experience.

With these pro tips, your easy Magnolia Pudding with strawberry will not only be a breeze to make but will also leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.


Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry Ingredients




"easy magnolia pudding with strawberry"


Here’s a homemade Easy Magnolia Pudding with strawberry and berry recipe,  (to serve 8 people)

For the Pudding:

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 box (5.1 ounces) instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the Berry Filling:

  • 1 cup fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 1 cup mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

Additional Layers:

  • 1 box vanilla wafers

For Whipped Cream:

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Fresh strawberries, sliced
  • Mixed berries


Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry Recipe Instructions


Here are my step-by-step recipe instructions for magnolia pudding with strawberry:

  1. Prepare the Pudding:
    • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the whole milk, sweetened condensed milk, instant vanilla pudding mix, and vanilla extract until well combined. Let it set for a few minutes to thicken.
  2. Prepare the Berry Filling:
    • In a separate bowl, mix the sliced strawberries, mixed berries, and sugar. Let them  sit for a few minutes to release their juices.
  3. Create the Layers:
    • In a trifle dish or serving bowl, arrange a layer of vanilla wafers at the bottom.
    • Spoon a portion of the pudding mixture over the wafers, creating an even layer.
    • Add a layer of the mixed berries and strawberries on top of the pudding.
    • Repeat the layers until you’ve used all the ingredients, finishing with a layer of pudding on top.
  4. Whip Up the Cream:
    • In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until soft peaks form.
    • Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract, continuing to whip until stiff peaks form.
  5. Top it Off:
    • Gently spread the whipped cream over the top layer of pudding, creating a luscious and creamy finish.
  6. Chill and Garnish:
    • Cover the pudding with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld.
    • Before serving, garnish with additional sliced strawberries and mixed berries for a visually appealing touch.
  7. Serve and Collect All The Compliments😎😊
    • Dish out this no-banana Magnolia Pudding, and relish the delightful combination of creamy pudding and juicy berries.

Recipe Variations Ideas For Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry


I would also like to share with you some of my recipe variations ideas for this delicious recipe.

So, when you make this recipe just once, I believe you and your friends/family will like it so much.

Since it’s a very practical and versatile recipe, you can create several recipes just by making some minor modifications.


  1. Chocolate-Strawberry Bliss:
    • You may add a layer of chocolate ganache between the pudding and strawberries for a decadent twist. Garnish with chocolate shavings and fresh strawberries. You are gonna love it!
  2. Citrus Infusion:
    • Mix citrus zest, such as orange or lemon, into the pudding for a refreshing flavor. Top with sliced strawberries and a drizzle of citrus syrup. This version also made so much success!
  3. Coconut Delight:
    • Infuse coconut flavor by using coconut milk in the pudding mixture. Layer with sliced strawberries and sprinkle toasted coconut on top for a tropical twist.
  4. Nutty Crunch:
    • Incorporate chopped nuts like almonds or pecans between the layers for added texture and nutty goodness. You may garnish with fresh strawberries for a delightful contrast.
  5. Minty Freshness:
    • Add a hint of mint to the pudding and garnish with fresh mint leaves. Pair with sliced strawberries for a refreshing and aromatic dessert. Be sure to behave moderately when using mint. This version of my original recipe goes amazingly well with authentic Turkish coffee.
  6. Raspberry Rendezvous:
    • Combine raspberries with strawberries for a berrylicious explosion. Layer the pudding with both berries and top with a raspberry coulis for extra richness.
  7. Lemon-Berry Burst:
    • Mix lemon zest into the pudding and layer with sliced strawberries. Drizzle with a lemon glaze for a zesty and bright flavor profile.
  8. Graham Cracker Crust:
    • Create a graham cracker crust at the bottom of the serving dish before adding the pudding layers. Top with sliced strawberries and whipped cream for a delightful pie-inspired twist.
  9. Honeyed Elegance:
    • Drizzle honey over each layer for a touch of sweetness and complexity. Combine with sliced strawberries for a dessert that’s both elegant and easy.
  10. Alcohol-Infused Indulgence:
  • Soak the vanilla wafers in a liqueur of your choice (like Grand Marnier or Chambord) for an adult twist. Layer with strawberries and enjoy a sophisticated dessert experience.

Feel free to mix and match these ideas or use them as inspiration to create your own signature Magnolia Pudding with strawberries.

The possibilities are endless in this recipe, so get creative as much as you wish and tailor the recipe to suit your taste preferences!


How To Store The Leftovers of Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry?


Most of the time, it’s consumed within minutes and  there are no leftovers but just in case 😊

To store leftovers of Magnolia Pudding with strawberry properly, you may follow these steps to maintain its freshness and flavor:

  1. Refrigeration:
    • Magnolia Pudding contains dairy ingredients, so it’s crucial to refrigerate any leftovers promptly. Place the remaining dessert in an airtight container or cover the original serving dish tightly with plastic wrap.
  2. Avoid Overexposure:
    • Keep the Magnolia Pudding away from strong odors in the refrigerator. Ideally, store it on a shelf rather than in the door, as the door experiences temperature fluctuations when opened.
  3. Use Within a Few Days:
    • Consume the leftovers within 2-3 days for the best quality. Over time, the texture may change, and the strawberries can release more moisture, affecting the overall consistency of the dessert.
  4. Separate Toppings:
    • If your Magnolia Pudding has additional toppings like whipped cream or fresh berries, consider storing them separately. Add these toppings just before serving to maintain their freshness and texture.
  5. Refrigerate Whipped Cream Separately:
    • If your Magnolia Pudding is topped with whipped cream, store any extra whipped cream separately in the refrigerator. Whipped cream tends to lose its texture over time, so it’s best to add it fresh when serving leftovers.
  6. Individual Servings:
    • If possible, portion the leftovers into individual servings before refrigerating. This makes it easier to grab a serving without disturbing the entire dish.
  7. Freezing (Optional):
    • While Magnolia Pudding is best enjoyed fresh, you can freeze individual portions for longer storage. Wrap the portions tightly in plastic wrap and place them in an airtight container. Thaw in the refrigerator before serving.
  8. Check for Freshness:
    • Before serving leftover Magnolia Pudding, inspect it for any signs of spoilage, such as an off smell or unusual texture. If in doubt, it’s safer to discard.

Remember that the texture of the pudding may change slightly after refrigeration, but it should still be delicious.

Proper storage practices help maintain the quality and safety of your leftover Magnolia Pudding with strawberry.


Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry Serving Suggestions


Easy Magnolia Pudding with strawberry is a versatile dessert that pairs well with various accompaniments.

Here are some of my delightful suggestions for you:

  1. Vanilla Wafers or Cookies:
    • Since the original recipe often includes vanilla wafers, serving the pudding with additional wafers or your favorite cookies can enhance the overall experience. Shortbread cookies or buttery biscuits are excellent choices.
  2. Whipped Cream or Ice Cream:
    • Serve the Magnolia Pudding with a dollop of freshly whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combination of creamy pudding with airy whipped cream or the cold sweetness of ice cream is a heavenly match.
  3. Fresh Berries:
    • Amp up the berry goodness by serving the pudding alongside a bowl of fresh mixed berries. This adds extra juiciness and complements the strawberry flavor in the pudding.
  4. Granola or Nuts:
    • For a delightful crunch, sprinkle granola or chopped nuts like almonds, pecans, or walnuts on top of the pudding. It adds texture and a nutty flavor that complements the creamy base.
  5. Pastries or Biscuits:
    • Pairing the Magnolia Pudding with light pastries or biscuits can create a balanced and satisfying dessert experience. Consider serving it alongside flaky croissants or simple buttery biscuits.
  6. Turkish Tea or Coffee:
    • Turkish tea or coffee can provide a wonderful contrast to the sweetness of the pudding. The robust flavors of Turkish coffee or the comforting warmth of Turkish tea can be a delightful way to conclude the meal.
  7. Fruit Sauce or Coulis:
    • Elevate the dessert by drizzling a berry or fruit sauce/coulis over the pudding. Raspberry or strawberry sauce adds an extra layer of fruity goodness.
  8. Caramel Drizzle:
    • A drizzle of caramel sauce can add a rich and indulgent touch to the Magnolia Pudding. The combination of caramel and strawberries is a classic dessert pairing.

Feel free to mix and match my suggestions based on your preferences and the occasion.

The versatility of Magnolia Pudding makes it adaptable to various accompaniments, ensuring a delightful and personalized dessert experience.


I hope you enjoy my easy magnolia pudding with strawberry recipe and prepare it frequently in your kitchen for yourself and loved ones.

Feel free to share your feedback for my recipe via Instagram 👉👉👉@turkishfoodpro 




"original magnolia pudding recipe strawberry"


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Easy Magnolia Pudding With Strawberry Recipe

Indulge in the effortless elegance of our Easy Magnolia Pudding with Strawberry recipe. This delightful dessert marries the creamy richness of vanilla pudding with the vibrant sweetness of ripe strawberries, creating a symphony of flavors in every spoonful. With simple preparation and luscious layers, this dessert is a celebration of ease and indulgence. Perfect for any occasion, our Magnolia Pudding with Strawberry is a timeless treat that effortlessly transforms basic ingredients into a heavenly delight. Savor the simplicity and savor the sweetness with this easy-to-follow recipe.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Resting Time In Fridge 4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American, european, Turkish
Servings 8 people


  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 14 ounces milk sweetened condensed
  • 5.1 ounces instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 1 cup strawberries fresh and sliced
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup berries mixed(blueberries, blackberries, raspberries
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 box vanilla wafers


  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the whole milk, sweetened condensed milk, instant vanilla pudding mix, and vanilla extract until well combined. Let it set for a few minutes to thicken.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the sliced strawberries, mixed berries, and sugar. Let them  sit for a few minutes to release their juices.
  • In a trifle dish or serving bowl, arrange a layer of vanilla wafers at the bottom.Spoon a portion of the pudding mixture over the wafers, creating an even layer.Add a layer of the mixed berries and strawberries on top of the pudding.Repeat the layers until you've used all the ingredients, finishing with a layer of pudding on top.
  • In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until soft peaks form.Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract, continuing to whip until stiff peaks form.
  • Gently spread the whipped cream over the top layer of pudding, creating a luscious and creamy finish.
  • Cover the pudding with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld.Before serving, garnish with additional sliced strawberries and mixed berries for a visually appealing touch.
  • Dish out this no-banana Magnolia Pudding, and relish the delightful combination of creamy pudding and juicy berries.


Here are 10 recipe notes, tips, and tricks for making an easy Magnolia Pudding with strawberry:
  1. Use Ripe Strawberries:
    • Choose ripe strawberries for the best flavor. Their natural sweetness will enhance the overall taste of the pudding.
  2. Chill Ingredients:
    • Ensure that the pudding mix and milk are well-chilled before preparing. This helps the pudding set more quickly.
  3. Layer Evenly:
    • When layering the pudding, wafers, and strawberries, aim for even distribution to create a balanced flavor and texture in each bite.
  4. Experiment with Berries:
    • Feel free to mix different berries in the recipe for added variety. Blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries can complement the strawberry flavor.
  5. Gentle Whipping for Cream:
    • Whip the cream gently to soft peaks. Overwhipping can result in a dense texture, while gentle whipping provides a light and airy topping.
  6. Fresh Whipped Cream Before Serving:
    • If using whipped cream, wait to whip it until just before serving. Freshly whipped cream retains its texture and adds a delightful finishing touch.
  7. Strategic Wafer Placement:
    • When layering vanilla wafers, consider placing some around the sides of the serving dish. This adds a pleasing crunch and contributes to the visual appeal.
  8. Customize Magnolia Pudding Layers:
    • Customize the layers to your liking. If you prefer more berries or extra wafers, feel free to adjust the quantities based on your taste preferences.
  9. Drizzle with Honey or Syrup:
    • For added sweetness and complexity, drizzle honey or a fruit syrup between the layers. This can elevate the overall flavor profile of the dessert.
  10. Serve Chilled:
  • The key to a refreshing Magnolia Pudding is serving it well-chilled. Allow it to set in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight before serving for the best results.
Remember, these tips are meant to enhance your experience with my recipe.
Feel free to get creative and make adjustments to suit your taste preferences.
Enjoy crafting and savoring your delicious Magnolia Pudding with strawberries!
I will be so happy if you send your comments to me via Instagram on @turkishfoodpro
Keyword dessert recipes, easy desserts, magnolia pudding, strawberry


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